Helping Over-Worked and Stressed-Out Individuals Live a Happy and Healthy Life.
Doing the Things They Love With the Ones They Love.
The Journey to a
Healthy & Happy Life is Simple

No matter what it is you want – Health, Happiness, Love, Success – It all comes down to one thing. Mindset. As Transformational Mindset Coaches, we help you identify what is holding you back, help you rewire your habitual thought patters and provide the tools you need to make empowering decisions that move you closer to your health and happiness goals!

Whether you want to slim down, get in shape, or simply live a longer, healthier life, we can help make it happen. We don't use diets or offer supplements. We take a holistic approach. Promoting healthy choices. Focusing on how you want to feel. The things you want to do. The life you want to live. Helping you find a reason to get healthy and create the body you love!

Happiness comes from connecting with our true Self connecting with nature, which has been proven to lower anxiety and stress, and connecting with others with similar beliefs and interests. We provide a variety of ways to promote higher levels of happiness through Day Retreats, Forest Bathing and our Propietary Destination DREAM Retreats across the US and the globe.

Do you feel like you’re running on a hamster wheel and getting no where?
Doing the same things over and over and getting the same undesirable results?
Have you been so focused on your job and caring for others that you lost yourself in the process?
One day you looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize the image staring back at you. The body has definitely changed, but the person inside hasn’t. That person is still dreaming the same dreams.
We get it! We’ve been there! We know what it’s like to wake up one morning and think “Hey, when am I going to do all the things on my bucket list? When does life get fun? When am I going to get my health in order? Life is passing me by!”
You’ve tried the latest diet trends. Read the latest self-help book. Nothing sticks! You feel insecure trying something new, thinking you’re too old or too out of shape, so you continue on the same path you’ve been on, which isn’t getting you any closer to health and happiness!
What you need to do is to start caring for your Self, your body and your dreams; — and it all begins with the right Mindset.

At Eclectic Well-Being, Kathi and Mark Szabo help individuals break free from the grind and create a life they love. Through personalized coaching and a holistic focus on mindset, health, and connection, they empower you to discover what works for you. Whether you’re seeking a healthier body, greater happiness, or fulfilling your dreams, Kathi and Mark provide the tools to transform your life—on your terms.

Change Your Mind. Change Your Life with our FREE 7-day MindShift Program!
Learn how to create new thought patterns and let go of those that no longer serve you. Discover your best life and support those you love even more.
Start the 7-Day MindShift TODAY!
For 7 days, awaken to a short video and exercise. Learn how to get out of the fog, change your beliefs, recognize that there is no failure, but opportunity for redirection. Shifting your thoughts to a more creative and empowered state of being!