Eclectic Thoughts
Reflections on topics of well-being.
Sharing our thoughts for creating a life of abundance.
Can we Program our Health?
You may or may not know that my first professional job was as a computer programmer. You may be wondering what computers have to do with health, but bear with me a minute and I promise we’ll get there. I’ve been thinking about programming lately and realized that...
What is the Science of Manifesting?
Life is a science experiment, and its objective is growth. All you have to do is decide, act, and listen to your emotions.
What Does “Getting Healthy” Even Mean?
How do we get healthy? We talk a lot about “losing weight” or “burning fat,” but we don’t often talk about “getting healthy.” People seem to think that if they can just get that fat under control, they’ll be fine. But is that all it takes to be considered, “healthy?”...
Don’t be in a Rush to Get There
If your Social Media feed looks anything like mine, you’re probably starting to see posts for “6-Week Mega Melt Miracle,” or “8 Week Total Transformation,” or some other promise of quick results. This isn’t anything new. You may remember the Slim Fast commercials with...
Why is Getting Healthy so Hard?
You know what I mean, right? Every single year, it’s the same thing. The weight crept up a bit from last year, so it’s time to try out a new diet. Pick any one of them at random and I’ve tried it before. With the same results each time: Lose a little bit of weight on...
Do you Really Need Cardio Sessions to be Healthy?
I’ll admit it, I hate doing cardio. The bike seat hurts after about 5 minutes on the thing. You’d think they’d be able to design a better seat? But no, it’s the same thing every time. I start using the bike, I get in a great cardio session and burn my quads up...