Eclectic Thoughts

Reflections on topics of well-being.
Sharing our thoughts for creating a life of abundance. 

Self-Care As We Age

Self-Care As We Age

Our bodies are not us, but as we age, they need more care. Just like your home or your car, things need to be serviced regularly and sometimes more frequently as they get older. Our bodies are the same. Our physical self-care at 20 and our physical self-care at 50, will not look the same. It will evolve as we age and we must use our inner wisdom to notice when we need to change.

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Why Worry?

Why Worry?

by Kathi Szabo Why do we worry? For most of my life I tended to worry. I worried about money. I worried about being punctual. Heck, I worried about what people would think. Worry as a verb is giving way to anxiety or unease. It’s letting the mind dwell on the...

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Mindset – It’s Not All Love and Light

Mindset – It’s Not All Love and Light

When we start talking about mindset and personal development, many think of it as trying to be happy all the time. I soon learned that’s not the case at all. 

Although we can train our brains to have more positive emotions, find gratitude and look at the glass half full rather than half empty, a true growth mindset sees the darkness and then learns from it.

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Do I Have Fun?

Do I Have Fun?

Ok, so fun has to be done for the pleasure of it.
Connection is having an experience with another person. It’s developing relationships.
Then flow is that feeling we get when we are so engaged in an activity, that we lose all track of time.
If I understand her correctly, one needs to experience all three: playfulness, connection, and flow, for an activity to be fun!

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