by admin | Oct 28, 2024 | gratitude, hope, mental health, mindfulness, mindset, Self-Care
Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, life weighs on us. There are days when nothing is going your way, and getting out of bed is an achievement in itself. We’re tired, we’re frustrated, and we feel like the world’s responsibilities are squarely on our shoulders....
by admin | Sep 16, 2024 | Manifesting, mindset
Manifesting is often misunderstood as simply wishing for something and waiting for it to magically appear. However, in reality, manifesting is much more like a science experiment, with the goal of actively creating the life we desire. It involves decisions, actions,...
by admin | Aug 29, 2024 | coaching, cooking, diet, health, hope, intentions, meditation, mental health, mindfulness, mindset, nutrition, Self-Care
You know what I mean, right? Every single year, it’s the same thing. The weight crept up a bit from last year, so it’s time to try out a new diet. Pick any one of them at random and I’ve tried it before. With the same results each time: Lose a little bit of weight on...
by admin | Aug 11, 2024 | diet, health, mindset, nutrition, Uncategorized
At some point in our lives, we all come up against what we deem to be an insurmountable task. We give it that label because when we look at it, we have no idea where to even begin. It seems absolutely impossible. For me, that was my health. As a young man, I was...
by admin | Jul 24, 2024 | health, mindfulness, mindset, neuroplasticity, Uncategorized
by Mark Szabo Have you ever let some small thing totally derail your day? This used to happen to me all the time when I would “try” to eat healthy. Like, when ordering breakfast, I’d absent-mindedly have grabbed, paid for, then consumed an entire chocolate chip muffin...
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