Kickstart Your 2023 Intentions

Kickstart Your 2023 Intentions

by Kathi Szabo Six months have come and gone. In just another week, we will start the second half of 2023. Did you make any goals for the year? Any New Year Intentions? Summer is a perfect time to recommit to our Intentions, reimagine our goals, make any adjustments...
Self-Care As We Age

Self-Care As We Age

by Kathi Szabo My back has been giving me trouble lately. The first time I ever through my back out, I was in my early 30’s and just sent the kids off to school.  I had never experienced my body not being able to stand up completely straight. But a day of rest and a...
Why Worry?

Why Worry?

by Kathi Szabo Why do we worry? For most of my life I tended to worry. I worried about money. I worried about being punctual. Heck, I worried about what people would think. Worry as a verb is giving way to anxiety or unease. It’s letting the mind dwell on the...