Spring Reset

Spring Reset

by Kathi Szabo The Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring, was once considered the beginning of the new year. It is the start of planting season, signifying renewal, growth, and life. Farmers are readying the soil and beginning to sow their crops. Birds are nesting...
Happiness in a World of Suffering.

Happiness in a World of Suffering.

by Kathi Szabo Sunday, March 20 is International Day of Happiness, a day set aside by the UN to celebrate Happiness across the globe. But many of us may be wondering, “How do we celebrate happiness when there is so much violence, destruction, and despair...
What is Hope?

What is Hope?

by Kathi Szabo Last year I wrote about hope. Seeing all the suffering and destruction in the news this week got me thinking once again about hope. Once again, I asked myself again, “What is Hope?” “I hope I won’t be late for my meeting.”...